Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lego Haul - 6/19/15

If you missed the first half of my Lego haul, click here.

Over the past several months, my wife and I became huge Chris Pratt fans.  We had some doubts about Guardians of the Galaxy, and he pretty much killed it.  Then, as Parks and Recreation was winding up its series run, we started watching it and became even more enamored with his brillance, both on and off screen.

So, with Pratt starring on Jurassic World, I could have a Lego Chris Pratt (I didn't buy any Guardians of the Galaxy sets because I had no idea what to do with the spaceships and such).  Oddly, only one set has Owen, his character i the movie.  But I have it, 75917 Raptor Rampage, now.

75917 Raptor Rampage

I plan on using this set to help amass contents for a zoo or wildlife preserve.  Yes, I've seen Jurassic Park and know about the dangers of housing dinosaurs for tourists to gawk at.  But that was a movie...  OK, Lego's are real either, but since I control their universe, I say that the raptors are not dangerous to the citizens of my town.

75917 Raptor Rampage contents

I should have maybe bought one of the sets with an enclosure.  It'd put me much further along.  I wouldn't have to design and build a zoo from scratch.  It'll be years until I finish one off.  I may have to leave that task to my kids

75917 Raptor Rampage assembled contents

One other great thing about this set: since everyone else is posting pictures of Prattkeeping, I thought I'd take one myself.

Lego Chris Pratt asserting his dominance on Lego raptors

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