Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Construction Site

As I acquire more and more Lego's, I try to find purposes for them.  Over the last few years, I've been getting more construction-related sets, so why not create a Construction Site to house them all?

The foreman's trailer for overseeing construction

I needed a building to house the foreman's office, the construction plans, and other things used to supervise the building process.  I'm not familiar with this industry, so I'm sure there is more I need inside, but it's there and it takes up space, which is really all I needed here.

A construction worker discussing saws with the foreman.

Outside the office, I put a couple of portable bathrooms, in case anyone working on site runs into digestive issues.  These also aren't all that fancy.  I focused more on making it look good on the outside than in.  But who needs a fancy toilet anyways?

A couple of portable restrooms in case anyone needs to..., well, you know...

I have plenty of vehicles to help with construction.  What are they building?  I don't know yet.  I haven't gotten that far yet.  When I'm ready, I've got a crane, a couple of cherry picker, a couple of earth movers, a cement truck, a jackhammer.  Plenty of tools to help break up and move dirt, lift items into the air, and get people up to perform bonding operating (hammering, welding, etc.).

All the vehicles on site at the Construction Site

I've got a number of leftover pieces from some construction-related Lego sets that I need to find a use for.  I haven't been able to invent a new vehicle to add into the mix, but then again, I don't know what I'll need or want.  Without a building for everyone here to start working on, how would anyone know what you'd need to construct it?

Extra pieces to make stuff to help with the construction efforts

I've got a basic idea for a building framework for these workers to put together.  I need to get a baseplate and some bricks together to get it started so I have something to show for it.  Maybe during the time between Christmas and New Year's, when I have the week off of work, I can start something.  We'll see...

Sets used:  3179, 6514, 10657, 30151, 30229, 30312, 60072, 60073, 71008

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