Saturday, April 30, 2016

Lakeside Lodge

It's nearly summer here in Minnesota, at least summer enough to head up to the lake cabins and spend all weekend outside working on the cabin, cruising around in your boat, and enjoying good food and drinks with your friends out by the fire.  For the next several months, I'll be covering all my lakeside buildings.

The lake shore area is actually miles outside city limits, near the mountain foothills.  At first, I was going to put these oceanside in my city, but I amassed so many that I had to split it off from the rest of the town.

Lakeside Lodge

First up is the Lakeside Lodge, which I just got last month.  There isn't much to it right now, as I have not bought a baseplate to put it on.

I'm not sure what kind of baseplate to put it on yet.  Most of my lake shore buildings are currently on blue baseplates, so they'd easily look like they are along the water, but as I write this, I am debating to perhaps go with sand colored instead.  It'd make more sense for the buildings to be on land of some sort instead of completely above the water.  It's an aesthetics thing, you know?

Front (left) and rear (right) views of the Lakeside Lodge

A few issues I have with this building are that it is quite small.  It can barely fit one person inside, in my opinion.  But it is a nice contrast from the other larger buildings near the lake.  Not everyone can afford to spend big bucks on property in this hot real estate market.

The other problem is that it swings open in the middle, so I'm not sure how to affix it to a baseplate and still be able to get inside it.  I'd have to prop it up on another layer of plates and flat tiles.  This requires some testing and engineering to do so, and I haven't had the time yet to mess with it.  Hopefully once I finish my current semester of school, I'll have time to work on it.

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