Monday, April 6, 2015

Lego Haul - 4/3/15

My parents were in town this past weekend, and they wanted to do some shopping at the Mall of America.  Who am I to say "NO" to that?  Oh darn, there's a Lego store there, I guess I might as well get some more bricks...

This time around, I got a small cup of bricks.  I meant to grab a Large cup, but I'm glad I got a Small Cup, because it turned out that was plenty of bricks for my needs.  I grabbed white and green 2x4 bricks to continue building up my Grocery Store.  I also filled the gaps in the cup with 2x2 orange tiles, black 1x1 nose cones, and black 2x2 round slide shoes.

 Small cup of Lego bricks and its contents

The 2x4 bricks gave me enough to finish the walls of my grocery store, though I still need a few more to properly integrate the yellow platform into the back wall.  Now that I've put most of it together, I can play with the internal layout on my physical model before I put it in the digital design.  I've already came up with an assembly for a dairy case.  Now I just need some for fruits and vegetables and bread.

Current construction of the Grocery Store

I noticed something on the Pick a Brick wall as I was moving along it.  They have these new Pick a Model kits, where for $4.99, you grab a kit and follow the instructions to get the pieces needed to make said model.  To make it even easier, the bins with the needed parts are marked to indicate which model(s) the pieces are needed for.

Pick a Model kits on the wall

I think they're clever.  They can help people get some ideas on what to build for their collections.  I'm looking forward to see what they come up with.  Some of the Monthly Mini Model Build items are kinda cool, and there are a couple I'd like to get my hands on (but can't because I'm 34, which doesn't fall between the ages of 5 and 12).

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